Friday, October 26, 2007

Certainly not Indiana

I slept in today until 12:45. I was running on 3 hours sleep, because I had to catch a 7:00 am flight out of Indy yesterday. When I woke up, I remembered I was in Provo, UT.

It is very surreal. I'm actually here. I walked outside this morning (or afternoon) and instead of seeing corn, I saw a massive mountain landscape. It is absolutely gorgeous. This geological change is refreshing, but the corn is nice too.

I'm looking forward to the few days ahead of me. And Cafe Rio for lunch at 3.


josiahdhatfield said...

fall break!

studying abroad is nice with the views...

LA will be tight.

Unknown said...

Man, I wish this kid would post more often... surely he remembers his password. ;-)