Thursday, October 18, 2007


I completely lost it today when I pulled my new-ish phone from my pocket and realized there was a giant crack in the screen. The weird thing is, the crack is inside of the screen. I have never dropped this thing; I've only kept it in my pocket. I am baffled, and pretty pissed. What does LG stand for anyway? Low Grade? (i couldn't think of anything better)

Three projects are due pretty much before I leave next Thursday morning for Salt Lake. They all involve other people, which is annoying because I can't just tackle them myself; I have to contact these people, set up times that work for everyone's schedule, and go from there.

On a brighter note, Airband will be over after tonight. I'm looking forward to it. It's been a long haul, and I'm excited to perform, but I'm kind of Airbanded out.

Listen to me complain. Wow.

I think I need patience. A lot of it.


josiahdhatfield said...
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josiahdhatfield said...

I am sorry about your phone. My LG also broke due to moisture in it (I'm blaming it on my window side desk).

Group projects suck sometime.

In addition to being fun, it's nice when Airband comes (and pasts) due to the hectic lifestyle it requires.

I also like your complaining friend.